
Our farm is versatile and provides us with vegetables, fruits and meat for ourselves of course, but also for our restaurant guests and even a small network of locals.

We work organically and according to permaculture principles. That is, we mimic mother nature as much as possible. The garden you put on is sustainable and works with nature. So not industrial, but versatile, not monoculture, but polyculture, not annual, but perennial crops.

We have a diversity of livestock; cows, sheep, pigs and chickens. The cattle are rustic, can withstand a bump, grazes, woelt and dabble outside, hardly needs to help with births, lives off the grasses and herbs they find outside.

In our vegetable garden you will find the year around all kinds of crops. We try to feed soil life as much as possible (leaves, wood chips), so that the plants in the ground find all the nutrients they need to give a tasteful and healthy finished product.

The cattle graze between the fruit trees and provides extra fertilization. Fruit trees are scattered throughout the field with never 2 the same breeds next to each other. As a result, diseases and pests are limited.

We are happy to explain all the facets of our farm. We’d love to take you for a tour.

Both the vegetable garden, the fruit trees and also the cattle deliver us products that we transform into (h)honest dishes and products. Meanwhile, we make pestos, jams, pâtés and have an extensive selection of charcuterie. In addition, there is meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

The site has been providing us with nice exchanges for years. Through this site, we welcome volunteers to stay with us on a board and lodging basis for some time (at least 2 weeks). In return, they receive information, knowledge and experience.